Case Study from Rajasthan Among the different challenges faced by the students in terms of accessing the scholarship, pending scholarship amount at the centre stands out to be a huge issue for students in accessing scholarships. Several RTI and complaints including individual and group complaints memorandums have been submitted at…...
Case Study from Kerala There are several challenges faced by SC and ST students in their access to higher education. In terms of accessing scholarship, students experience discrimination at several levels. Starting from the application, many applications from the SC/ST students are not accepted and are denied admission stating reasons…...
Case study from Kerala
Case Study from Kerala There are several challenges faced by SC and ST students in their access to higher education. In terms of accessing scholarship, students experience discrimination at several levels. Starting from the application, many applications from the SC/ST students are not accepted and are denied admission stating reasons…...
Case Study from Haryana
Case Study from Haryana The Planning Commission, Government of India, has been stressing from time to time to frame special schemes for the upliftment of the Scheduled Castes. Special schemes were required to be framed for the villages which have significant Scheduled Castes population. Keeping in view the guidelines…...