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Mr Paul Divakar making a statement on Transparency, Accountability and Participation!

Annihilate Caste and Structural Inequalities

From 22-27 September 2015, "Annihilate Caste and Structural Inequalities in Implementing the 2030 Agenda" was co-convened by the Asia Dalit Rights Forum, Regions Refocus 2015, and the Asian Parliamentarians' Forum on Dalit Concerns. This 14-minute video captures an overview of the national policy landscapes on caste in five South Asian…...

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Celebrating 125 Years of Ambedkar’s Legacy: Indian National Congress MPs

On 26 September 2015, a delegation of 42 Members of Parliament and civil society leaders from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka visited and paid tribute to the statue of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar at Columbia University. In this video, two Members of Parliament, Dr. B.L. Mungekar and Suresh Kudikkunnil,…...

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Challenging Systems of Casteism and Racism

This 11-minute video, the sixth in Regions Refocus's series of Virtual Teach-Ins, highlights an informal, strategic discussion on “Challenging Systems of Casteism and Racism” amongst Parliamentarians, academics, and social movement leaders from across South Asia and North America. In this historical moment in the US of protest and organizing around…...

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Asia Dalit Rights Forum

International discourse refers to caste-based discrimination as discrimination based on work and descent. This reality is seen across the globe, but it is often misunderstood to be a South Asia centric reality. Discrimination based......

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I am Dalit

160 million people in India are born outside the four castes of the Varna system - the oldest surviving social hierarchy of the world. They are called the "untouchables" They thermselves have chosen the name DALITS (broken people)....

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